October 19, 2020

How to Create a Successful Charity Event

Happy October! Yes, that means Halloween is right around the corner, and it is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Considering this initiative, as well as the holiday season that is rapidly approaching, now is the perfect time to consider hosting or supporting a charitable event. Ideas could include volunteering with your family, having a...READ MORE

September 22, 2020

Halloween Happenings: How to Make 2020 Fun

It’s almost that time of year! The fall holidays are rapidly approaching, so we are serving up tricks and treats to ensure Halloween 2020 is fun for your friends and family no matter their age. As we continue into the colder months, there is no doubt that healthy and safety will continue to be the utmost priority. Like the rest of 2020, our...READ MORE

September 15, 2020

How to Engage a Virtual Audience

It’s clear that things have shifted beyond the world of events, impacting the way we communicate and operate daily. Friends, family members, instructors, students, colleagues, and entire companies now rely on virtual communication. So, how does one excel in this area? We are here to provide you with a few tips to improve your presence online to...READ MORE