Father’s Day Moments with Amazáe Events

It’s been said that any man can become a father, but it takes someone extra special to become a dad. From bring the one you may have feared when you got in trouble, to acting as your best friend and biggest fan, a dad’s love can truly make the world a better place.

To highlight, we are celebrating Father’s Day by sharing some thoughts about dads from the Amazáe Team. Here’s what the team had to say about fatherhood.


Plenty of thing to say about my husband, the father of our children. We are all VERY lucky to have this man in our lives; from all the small & humorous gestures to all the work he does for us each and every day. I am grateful to have our girls see what a strong, loving, supportive, respectful, patient, fun, giving and everything in between, husband and father is. I know they will grow into confident women who know what they deserve in a partner for life. We love our Papa!



I am so lucky to have the most amazing dad ever… I don’t think many daughters can say they convinced their dad to not only go to a Hanson concert, but to wear a custom made shirt reading “my daughter is the #1 Hanson fan”! My dad is hard working, caring, devoted, sensitive and the nicest person you will ever meet! He’s worn many hats over the years… from being my dad to my coach, and always my friend and biggest fan. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad a girl could ask for!


My dad always says this quote: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I’ve used the quote to motivate me through any and everything that I do. I would not have made it as far in life if it weren’t for that quote and the support that I’ve had from my dad throughout the years. He’s the reason why I graduated college debt free. I get my extroverted personality from him as well as my sense of humor and even my height. My dad is very invested in making sure that my brother and I grow up to be educated, hard working adults. We appreciate his tough love, dad jokes, and exquisite grilling skills. And no matter how much he may get on my nerves, I know that if I call him with a question he will always have an answer and I will always be a daddy’s girl. Happy Father’s Day! Love you.


9 Things I love about my husband being a father:

1. He loves our children with all his heart. As soon as he walks in the door Mommy is no longer needed/wanted. He is completely hands on with them, never too macho to change diapers or brush our daughter’s hair.

2. He makes our children giggle all the time and their laughter is music to my ears.

3. He reads to them in English and Spanish even though most books we own are only in English. It’s sweet to hear him translate the words or make up the story as he goes.

4. When I have to work or be away from the kids, he makes sure to never call me and ask where something is or what the kids need to eat. He takes care of everything including selecting outfits with matching shoes and accessories. Occasionally he sends me silly pictures with the kids too.

5. I can always count on him to take over when I need a break from the kids He rushes in like Super M Man and takes care of things so I can breathe for a minute or two.

6. Good or bad hs always lends an ear to discuss the details of the kid’s day with me. Even something as little as which kid got time out to proud moments of a first tooth or first day of school.

7. Team work makes the dream work! He is absolutely my partner in crime (parenting). Whatever decision I make, he has my back because we both know we have the kid’s interests ahead of our own.

8. He was never afraid to wear the babies like a kangaroo despite opposing comments. It was endearing to watch him carry both of the children close to him until they fell asleep. Our daughter is now 3 and still loves to be carried by him all the time.

9. This man is someone I admire because of his values, the the respect he gives me as a partner, friend wife mommy to our children. He is certainly a great father and he leads by example. I feel in love with this man 9 years ago and each day I love him more!


My dad is the guy who can’t go out anywhere without running into someone he knows. He will always offer you his opinion whether you asked for it or not. He will do absolutely anything for his friends, family & even complete strangers. He’s always there for you whether it’s to fix a broken taillight or pick you up from bad high school parties at unreasonable hours of the night. And no matter how corny he is, you can’t help but love him. Happy Fathers Day Gary, I don’t know what I’d be without you.


Happy Father’s Day to the best dad I could have asked for. He always encouraged me to touch the stars and told me nothing is ever out of reach. Teaching me to enjoy not only the big moments, but the little things in life. Thanks for always allowing me to reach beyond the edge of the universe.


Fathers are a daughter’s first love. They bend rules that are somewhat meant to be broken and fill our lives with fun and laughter. My daughter is fortunate to have a daddy that teaches self respect and respect for others. He encourages silliness and shows appreciation for all of life’s blessings. Thank you to my husband for being our biggest protector, taking us on adventures and supporting us in all we aspire to be. It’s because of you, our minds are open and our hearts are full! 


Not sure how this mans man and father of three girls managed to survive the feat of being the only male in the house but he did it. Much more unorthodox my father was practical, sarcastic, and always there to help us build anything, research obscure facts, and adopt every animal we wanted. Grateful for the man who helped shape me to love the outdoors and the happiness in solitude and a great book.


Growing up, my father did everything he could to make sure my sisters and I had everything we needed. Every night, although he was tired, he always loved spending time with us and would always have a smile on his face. When I was young, I didn’t quite understand why my father was always working, but now that I am older, I appreciate and respect the amount of work and dedication he had for his family’s well-being. He is the greatest dad a girl could ask for. Happy Father’s Day Dad!


Father’s Day is a special time to remember my dad for his quirky sense of humor, his hard work ethic, and all of the lessons he taught us growing up. His motto was always to go for your dreams, no matter how daunting or if the odds are stacked against you. We named our son’s middle name after my dad so that we can remember and honor him every day, and while we wish they were able to meet, we will continue to keep his memory alive.

This year is also special because it’s my husband’s first Father’s Day! It’s been amazing to watch him become the dad that I always knew he would be – fun, loving, and dedicated to our son. Our little guy is lucky to have him as his dad! Happy Father’s Day!




My favorite thing about my Dad?

That his love was so strong and and deep

… I can still feel it

…I can still hear his voice

…I can still smell his cologne

…I can feel  his presence.

And it’s been close to thirty years that he has been gone

I feel so very loved; even now

That is some kind of wonderful



Ah, my father.  What can I say about him?  In truth, we don’t have the greatest relationship. He’s never really been there for me, both physically and emotionally, he tends to cause problems, we fight like cats and dogs, and he stresses me out. But you know, none of that matters.  I still love him anyway.  Because he’s my dad.  And that’s all that matters to me.

Happy Father’s Day to all the loving dads out there!


about us

Crystal Lequang - CEO and Founder of Amazáe Events

Amazàe Events

Amazàe Events is your boutique event production company. With two decades of industry experience and accolades, we succeed in offering so much more than event production services. We ensure professional, elegant and enjoyable execution of all your wedding, corporate, social and/or destination event visions.