Amazaé Events inspires you to dress up in a group costume with your friends or family

With Halloween just around the corner, we’re taking the opportunity to take a look at some of the team costumes we’ve created over the years. We think 2020 may be our most creative actually! Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we? We hope this can inspire you to dress up in a group costume with your friends or family — we won’t even take credit.

2020 – Event Industry Pros

Ok, so we are actually event industry professionals 365 days a year. However, we did take things a step further by dressing up as all the vendors who make our jobs as planners so much more successful. We had members of our team dress up as a vendor including a makeup artist, a photographer, a florist, a caterer, and a DJ. We then coordinated a video to show our cohesive costumes since we were not physically meeting at the time. Click here to watch the full video.

2019 – The Four Seasons

We had so much fun dressing up as the four seasons a couple years ago. This costume really lets each person in the group show their personal creativity. Each of our team members created their seasonal costume with mostly supplies they already had at home, so it is also a great cost effective option. Lisa used a decorative centerpiece from her home to carry as an accessory and Caitlin attached snowflake Christmas ornaments to her outfit and hair clips for a frosty touch. Now, it’s safe to tell you a secret about this photo; we were working together to hide Crystal’s baby bump!

2018 – Cruella & her Dalmatians

Three years ago, Crystal was Cruella di Vil, from the Disney movie 101 Dalmatians, and the rest of the team dressed up as playful pups. (We promise she’s not actually scary like Cruella!) This costume idea is great for a group because you can have endless people join in to dress up as Dalmatian puppies, the more the merrier! Also, who knew we were so ahead of the trends for Halloween as well as events?! We are sure this will be a popular one this year.

2017 – Wizard of Oz cast

In 2017, we dressed up as the various characters from Wizard of Oz. We had Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Wicked Witch, the Wizard himself and even the tiniest member of our group, the Cowardly Lion. This theme was great for the range of ages we had that year!

2016 – Alice in Wonderland cast

Turning to another Disney classic for inspiration, the team dressed up as characters from Alice in Wonderland in 2016. As we participated in the Willow Glen’s Trick or Treat Down the Ave that year, our costumes were a HIT! We even had 2 kids ask Caitlin if she was “the Alice in Wonderland from Disneyland”!

2015 – Super Hero Squad

And finally, our last costume to share from years past are the super hero costumes! A special touch we all had this year was our from scratch ‘pow’ comic book headbands. These were a great way to help tie all our costumes together. Currently wishing we had super powers, because if we did, we would definitely use them to completely transform an environment, creating lots of happy party-goers.

Have we inspired you to dress up in a group costume with your friends or family? Leave a comment below and let us know which past costume was your favorite! Follow us on Instagram to see our costumes for 2021!

Happy Haunting boys and ghouls!

about us

Crystal Lequang - CEO and Founder of Amazáe Events

Amazàe Events

Amazàe Events is your boutique event production company. With two decades of industry experience and accolades, we succeed in offering so much more than event production services. We ensure professional, elegant and enjoyable execution of all your wedding, corporate, social and/or destination event visions.